Things To Know About Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation is commonly known as breast enhancement surgery or mammoplasty. Generally, it is used to enhance the structure and size of the breast that involves placing silicone implants under the breast tissue and around the chest. Breast augmentation is not a new procedure that has been around for a very long time. Earlier, people used to have breast augmentation from the cosmetic Industry or the film industry. Women have been going for breast augmentation from the 80s but they used different procedures which were not very safe, effective and not very successful as it had a lot of side effects that came along such as breast cancer or allergies. But today, with advancement of science and technology and medical procedures there are a lot of minimally invasive methods with the help of which surgeries have become very easy with less scars, less pain, less side effects and with the natural look.

Best Breast Surgery Doctor in India

Women use breast augmentation in order to feel more confident, attractive, undesirable but for others it is a medical condition in cases of cancer where the person needs another set of breast not for the look but for the medical condition. For, breast augmentation you should search for the best breast surgery doctor in India.

Types of breast implant

Generally there are two kinds of breast implants: Silicone gel and Saline implants.

Silicone gel filled implants are basically made up of silicon shells filled with plastic gel which is called silicone which feels more natural to the women as it gives the exact feel of the real breast unlike saline implants.

The saline filled implants are made up of sterile water and other is filled during the implantation operation. This implant doesn't feel more natural and it comes with different shapes and sizes.

In Round breast implant the span implant the breast looks fuller since the implants are round all over and looks real as it does not change the look of the breast.

Textured breast implants is a kind of implant that creates scars in the muscles. It is rare it might cause breast related issues or infections.

Today, fat transfer breast augmentation is more popular these days as the fat transfer is taken from another area of the same person and injected into the breast. It is a kind of liposuction treatment since no artificial material or silicon is added to it which is much safer. Breast augmentation is used by people who have a very small breast and want a natural looking breast.

The surgeon from the best Breast augmentation surgery hospital in India uses fat from the areas such as thighs, back, tummy or belly, sides of the back, lower abdomen etc. Further, Breast Augmentation surgery cost in India is far more affordable today as compared to earlier. That is why, even common people are more and more inclined towards it and it’s no longer confined to the rich or actresses from the film industry.


Risk factors

Generally, every kind of surgery comes along with the risk factor similarly breast augmentation also poses risks that might cause problems in the individual such as:

·       Infection

·       Pain in the breast

·       Scars

·       Rapture or the leakage of the implant

·       Changing position of the implant

·       Projection of the body

·       Rejection

·       Changes in the nipple

·       Sensation in the breast

·       Discomfort

·       Side effects from the implant


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