Things To Know Before Going For A Rhinoplasty
Cosmetic surgeries have been in and around for a very long time. People have been requiring it for some or other reasons. Some need it to enhance their facial features and others require it as a medical emergency or a necessity. Many people have a crooked nose or a deviated septum or extra cartilage that is obstructing normal breathing; in such cases cosmetic surgery is required.
Rhinoplasty is popularly known as a nose job procedure. Usually, most of us are familiar with this term as we have seen it in a lot of reality TV shows or in the movies. Our world is full of several myths about Rhinoplasty or nose job around us for all the wrong reasons. Generally, it is done to change the look, appearance of the nose, and to resolve breathing and snoring issues.While doing a Rhinoplasty or nose job the upper
structure of the nose and the lower portion of the nose both are touched
depending upon the requirement of the patient it is performed on. The
upper portion of the nose which is on the top is made up of bone while the rest
of the nose is made up of cartilage which is soft bone which is highly flexible
and can be easily bent. Women that pierce their nose, actually pierce their
When the surgeon has to fix a nose and make changes in
the cartilage or in the tissues attached to the skin then it is still easy but
when it is required to make some changes in the bone then it becomes very
tricky and therefore you require to find the best Rhinoplasty surgery hospital in India. In order to get the
desired results one needs to find a specialized surgeon that has years of
experience. As such complicated surgeries can only be performed with full
precision therefore one must deeply study and research about the surgeon you
are going for otherwise the results can be catastrophic.
Today, when there are a lot of surgeons everywhere it
is difficult to find out which one is the best and for that purpose only one
has to find out the best cosmetic surgeon for yourself. For which it is very
important to take a lot of sessions to see what kind of changes might occur in
your facial features. These days there are apps that can show the kind of
changes that might come after the surgery and how would you look after the
Rhinoplasty. Such change help in finding out and gives a customized plan for
you which helps in meeting the needs of the customer beforehand so that there
are no surprises after the surgery.
Though Rhinoplasty surgery cost in India is quite
affordable but still only a few companies provide insurance for it usually
people that go for cosmetic surgery have to pay the entire amount themselves as
Rhinoplasty surgery treatment in India is not covered in the health insurance in
India but when we talk about other countries Saudi Arabia UAE, USA or
Canada they have a medical health insurance plans that covers cosmetic
surgeries as well.
Risk factors:
Every surgery comes with certain risk factors
similarly, Rhinoplasty also comes with a few risk factors. Some of which
· Excessive Bleeding
· Infection
· Reaction to anesthesia
· Scarring
· Swelling
· Breathing difficulty
· Septal perforation
· Uneven nose
· Numbness
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